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      規格眾多 鶴壁香妃茶花苗 軟枝長林油茶小杯苗 茶葉裸根2元


      規格眾多 鶴壁5色茶花苗、2色、3色、鶴山4色茶花小杯苗1斤左右一杯、帶花苞多色茶花苗Z@Z0#L培育全國發貨,2023-29YouCha苗、茶葉苗、茶樹苗13507五40047、茶花樹苗培育的高度30-40公分、40-60CM、杯子口徑16-20公分1332八738875電話微信地址手機視頻圖片,10-16公分、3-5斤左右一杯、5-8斤一杯、淇縣軟枝長林1年、2年、3年油茶小杯苗、??h嫁接苗、實生苗、直生苗、扦插苗、種子苗、楊梅苗、茶樹苗、金線蓮種苗、茶葉裸根苗1.2元、2.6元、2.9元、1.8元、28.元、3.8元、4.5元、6.8元。



      楊梅苗和茶葉苗0.56元、0.98元、9.8元、18元、15元、12元、14元。http://m.linkedviz.com/c-1637.html河南鶴壁茶花苗培育的品種有:山城、淇濱、六角大紅茶花、賽牡丹、山茶花、鶴壁朱砂紫袍、火龍珠、綠可娜、黑騎士、文瓣、東方亮、鶴壁封面女郎、赤丹茶花、白衣大皇冠、2%6%C香妃茶花樹苗培育大型基地、茶梅、五色赤丹、紅赤丹、紅葉貝拉、金花茶、十八學士茶花、姚黃魏紫。責任創新 共享感恩!一家能讓客戶盈利 能證員工幸福的農場!成交只是開始 一次客戶一生的朋友!成信做人,本基地苗支持出口!





      老蔭茶樹苗、老茶苗、石佛香、舒茶、鶴壁皖茶10號、黃玖瑰、黃觀音、湘北基地:鶴壁岑溪油茶苗基地也提供快遞購苗、購種子業務! 岑溪軟枝油茶發源地在岑溪、藤縣、蒼梧一帶,,因植株分枝比較多,枝多而細,鶴壁分枝角度大,枝條柔軟,多數成孤形下垂而得名。經廣西林科院耗時十多年培育、選優、改良而成。岑溪軟枝油茶d2XZcJ3于2002年通過國家林木良種審定,是一個早產、高產的優良品種。我國南方已有 13個省份引種該品種成功并且產生可觀經濟效益。 岑溪軟枝油茶與其它普通油茶比較有以下優點: 1、生長快、結果早、產量高、抗性強、黃旦茶葉苗、旦裸根苗、大旦茶、大紅袍茶、鶴壁白茶、鳩坑、中黃、烏牛43號、烏牛早117號





      Various specifications of Hebi 5-color camellia:

      seedlings, 2-color, 3-color, Heshan 4-color camellia small cup seedlings, about 1 kilogram per cup, multi-color camellia seedlings with bud cultivation, shipped nationwide, with a height of 30-40 cm, 40-60 cm, cup diameter of 16-20 cm, 1332八738875 phone and WeChat addresses, mobile video images, 10-16 cm, 3-5 kilogram per cup, 5-8 kilogram per cup, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years of oil tea small cup seedlings in Qixian Soft Branch Changlin, Junxian grafted seedlings, actual seedlings, straight seedlings, cuttage seedlings Seed seedlings, bayberry seedlings, tea tree seedlings, golden lotus seedlings, tea bare root seedlings are 1.2 yuan, 2.6 yuan, 2.9 yuan, 1.8 yuan, 28 yuan, 3.8 yuan, 4.5 yuan, 6.8 yuan.


      Price reference for varieties of Yangmei seedlings:

      tea seedlings in Hebi Yangmei seedlings and tea seedlings are priced at 0.56 yuan, 0.98 yuan, 9.8 yuan, 18 yuan, 15 yuan, 12 yuan, and 14 yuan. http://m.linkedviz.com/c-1637.html The varieties cultivated for Henan Hebi Camellia seedlings include: Shancheng, Qibin, Hexagonal Red Camellia, Saipeony, Camellia, Hebi Cinnabar Purple Robe, Huolongzhu, Lvkena, Black Knight, Wenban, Dongfang Liang, Hebi Cover Girl, Red Dan Camellia, White Cloth Crown, Xiangfei Camellia, Tea Plum, Five Color Red Dan, Red Red Red Red Dan, Red Leaf Bella, Jinhua Tea, Eighteen Bachelor's Camellia, Yao Huangwei Purple. Responsibility, innovation, sharing, and gratitude! A farm that can make customers profitable and prove employee happiness! Closing a deal is just the beginning of a customer's life as a friend! Chengxin is a person, and our base supports exports!


      Old tea seedling Hebi tea seedling strain:

      Laoyin Tea Seedlings, Laocha Seedlings, Shifo Fragrance, Shucha, Hebi Wancha No.10, Huangjiugui, Huangguanyin, Xiangbei Base: Hebi Cenxi Oil Tea Seedlings Base also provides express delivery seedling and seed purchase services! The origin of Cenxi Soft Branch Camellia oleifera is in the areas of Cenxi, Tengxian, and Cangwu. It is named after the fact that the plant has many branches, many of which are thin, and the branches on the Hebi wall have a large angle. The branches are soft and mostly drooping in a solitary shape. It has been cultivated, selected, and improved by Guangxi Academy of Forestry for over ten years. Cenxi Softbranch Camellia oleifera passed the national forest variety certification in 2002, and is an excellent variety with premature delivery and high yield. Thirteen provinces in southern China have successfully introduced this variety and generated considerable economic benefits. Compared with other ordinary camellia, Cenxi Softbranch Camellia has the following advantages: 1. Fast growth, early fruiting, high yield, strong resistance, Huangdan tea seedlings, Dan bare root seedlings, Dadan tea, Dahongpao tea, Hebi white tea, Jiukeng, Zhonghuang, Wuniu 43, and Wuniu 117


      Our Advantages * One Stop Service:

      Direct supply from the farm saves you intermediate links and ensures quality with the principle of small profits and quick sales. We operate with integrity and ensure your quality requirements. Yongfu Deyi Flower Farm in Zhangping City, Fujian Province is located in Shuifu, a flower abandonment base with decades of cultivation history and business experience. Hebi has its own flower abandonment planting base and also signed contracts with cooperative farmers, with a complete range of varieties. Add 1% ferrous sulfate to improve the water quality, temperature, and resistance of camellia to cold and heat. The indoor temperature cannot be lower than 16C below 0. Rooms with temperatures ranging from 10 ° C to 15 ° C in March. Humidity. Generally, indoor areas are relatively dry in winter, and water should be sprayed frequently on the surface of camellia leaves to create a humid microclimate. But it doesn't spray water on rainy days. All products, including Wuniuzao 107, Daye Kung Fu Tea, Huangjinye, Baiqilan, Beidou, Benshan Tea, and Wuse Chidan 16 cups, with a height of 1-1.3 meters, are carefully inspected before shipment to ensure that there are no safety or quality issues before shipment. Delivery scope: All over the country Delivery method: large and small trucks.


      扁山油茶苗培育基地 扁山茶葉苗培育基地 扁山茶花苗培育
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